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Our Latest Projects

SIESTA - Secure Interactive Environments for Sensitive Data Analytics

The SIESTA project addresses the challenge of enabling proper access to sensitive scientific data within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). SIESTA seeks to enhance EOSC Exchange services by delivering trusted environments for secure data sharing, demonstrating the feasibility of FAIR principles in handling sensitive information.

GRACE - Global Response Against Child Exploitation

GRACE aims to equip European law enforcement agencies with advanced analytical and investigative capabilities to respond to the spread of online child sexual exploitation material. 

4NSEEK - Forensic Against Sexual Exploitation of Children

4NSEEK encourages international police cooperation in the fight against child sexual abuse and the distribution of its contents through the Internet, through training actions of police authorities, awareness and dissemination for children and adolescents, parents and educators as well as technological development of forensic tools for obtaining digital evidence.

Our Location

Our research group is located in the city of León, which is situated in the heart of northern Spain. León is home to a rich cultural heritage, beautiful mountainous landscapes, and a thriving academic community. Specifically, our research group is based at the Escuela de Ingenierías (School of Engineering) at University of León.

León’s central location makes it easily accessible for both national and international collaborations. For instance, we are just two hours away from Madrid by train or a mere one and a half hours away from the Asturias airport by car.

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